Odyssey: Creation, Analysis and Detection of Trojan Models

by   Marzieh Edraki, et al.

Along with the success of deep neural network (DNN) models in solving variousreal world problems, rise the threats to these models that aim to degrade theirintegrity. Trojan attack is one of the recent variant of data poisoning attacks thatinvolves manipulation or modification of the model to act balefully. This can occurwhen an attacker interferes with the training pipeline by inserting triggers into someof the training samples and trains the model to act maliciously only for samplesthat are stamped with trigger. Since the knowledge of such triggers is only privy to the attacker, detection of Trojan behaviour is a challenge task. Unlike any of the existing Trojan detectors, a robust detector should not rely on any assumption about Trojan attack. In this paper, we develop a detector based upon the analysis of intrinsic properties of DNN that could get affected by a Trojan attack. To have a comprehensive study, we propose, Odysseus, the largest Trojan dataset with over 3,000 trained DNN models, both clean and Trojan. It covers a large spectrum of attacks; generated by leveraging the versatility in designing a trigger and mapping (source to target class) type. Our findings reveal that Trojan attacks affect the classifier margin and shape of decision boundary around the manifold of the clean data. Combining these two factors leads to an efficient Trojan detector; operates irrespective of any knowledge of the Trojan attack; that sets the first baseline for this task with accuracy above 83


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