On Bisimilarities for Closure Spaces - Preliminary Version

by   Vincenzo Ciancia, et al.

Closure spaces are a generalisation of topological spaces obtained by removing the idempotence requirement on the closure operator. We adapt the standard notion of bisimilarity for topological models, namely Topo-bisimilarity, to closure models – we call the resulting equivalence CM-bisimilarity – and refine it for quasi-discrete closure models. We also define two additional notions of bisimilarity that are based on paths on space, namely Path-bisimilarity and Compatible Path-bisimilarity, CoPa-bisimilarity for short. The former expresses (unconditional) reachability, the latter refines it in a way that is reminishent of Stuttering Equivalence on transition systems. For each bisimilarity we provide a logical characterisation, using variants of the Spatial Logic for Closure Spaces (SLCS). We also address the issue of (space) minimisation via the three equivalences.


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