On Efficient Connectivity-Preserving Transformations in a Grid

by   Abdullah Almethen, et al.

We consider a discrete system of n devices lying on a 2-dimensional square grid and forming an initial connected shape S_I. Each device is equipped with a linear-strength mechanism which enables it to move a whole line of consecutive devices in a single time-step. We study the problem of transforming S_I into a given connected target shape S_F of the same number of devices, via a finite sequence of line moves. Our focus is on designing centralised transformations aiming at minimising the total number of moves subject to the constraint of preserving connectivity of the shape throughout the course of the transformation. We first give very fast connectivity-preserving transformations for the case in which the associated graphs of S_I and S_F are isomorphic to a Hamiltonian line. In particular, our transformations make O(n log n) moves, which is asymptotically equal to the best known running time of connectivity-breaking transformations. Our most general result is then a connectivity-preserving universal transformation that can transform any initial connected shape S_I into any target connected shape S_F, through a sequence of O(n√(n)) moves. Finally, we establish Ω(n log n) lower bounds for two restricted sets of transformations. These are the first lower bounds for this model and are matching the best known O(n log n) upper bounds.


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