On Polynomial time Constructions of Minimum Height Decision Tree

by   Nader H. Bshouty, et al.

In this paper we study a polynomial time algorithms that for an input A⊆B_m outputs a decision tree for A of minimum depth. This problem has many applications that include, to name a few, computer vision, group testing, exact learning from membership queries and game theory. Arkin et al. and Moshkov gave a polynomial time ( |A|)- approximation algorithm (for the depth). The result of Dinur and Steurer for set cover implies that this problem cannot be approximated with ratio (1-o(1))· |A|, unless P=NP. Moskov the combinatorial measure of extended teaching dimension of A, ETD(A). He showed that ETD(A) is a lower bound for the depth of the decision tree for A and then gave an exponential time ETD(A)/(ETD(A))-approximation algorithm. In this paper we further study the ETD(A) measure and a new combinatorial measure, DEN(A), that we call the density of the set A. We show that DEN(A)< ETD(A)+1. We then give two results. The first result is that the lower bound ETD(A) of Moshkov for the depth of the decision tree for A is greater than the bounds that are obtained by the classical technique used in the literature. The second result is a polynomial time ( 2) DEN(A)-approximation (and therefore ( 2) ETD(A)-approximation) algorithm for the depth of the decision tree of A. We also show that a better approximation ratio implies P=NP. We then apply the above results to learning the class of disjunctions of predicates from membership queries. We show that the ETD of this class is bounded from above by the degree d of its Hasse diagram. We then show that Moshkov algorithm can be run in polynomial time and is (d/ d)-approximation algorithm. This gives optimal algorithms when the degree is constant. For example, learning axis parallel rays over constant dimension space.


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