On the Matrix-Free Generation of Adversarial Perturbations for Black-Box Attacks

by   Hisaichi Shibata, et al.

In general, adversarial perturbations superimposed on inputs are realistic threats for a deep neural network (DNN). In this paper, we propose a practical generation method of such adversarial perturbation to be applied to black-box attacks that demand access to an input-output relationship only. Thus, the attackers generate such perturbation without invoking inner functions and/or accessing the inner states of a DNN. Unlike the earlier studies, the algorithm to generate the perturbation presented in this study requires much fewer query trials. Moreover, to show the effectiveness of the adversarial perturbation extracted, we experiment with a DNN for semantic segmentation. The result shows that the network is easily deceived with the perturbation generated than using uniformly distributed random noise with the same magnitude.


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