On the Power and Limitations of Random Features for Understanding Neural Networks

by   Gilad Yehudai, et al.

Recently, a spate of papers have provided positive theoretical results for training over-parameterized neural networks (where the network size is larger than what is needed to achieve low error). The key insight is that with sufficient over-parameterization, gradient-based methods will implicitly leave some components of the network relatively unchanged, so the optimization dynamics will behave as if those components are essentially fixed at their initial random values. In fact, fixing these explicitly leads to the well-known approach of learning with random features. In other words, these techniques imply that we can successfully learn with neural networks, whenever we can successfully learn with random features. In this paper, we first review these techniques, providing a simple and self-contained analysis for one-hidden-layer networks. We then argue that despite the impressive positive results, random feature approaches are also inherently limited in what they can explain. In particular, we rigorously show that random features cannot be used to learn even a single ReLU neuron with standard Gaussian inputs, unless the network size (or magnitude of the weights) is exponentially large. Since a single neuron is learnable with gradient-based methods, we conclude that we are still far from a satisfying general explanation for the empirical success of neural networks.


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