One Detector to Rule Them All: Towards a General Deepfake Attack Detection Framework

by   Shahroz Tariq, et al.

Deep learning-based video manipulation methods have become widely accessible to the masses. With little to no effort, people can quickly learn how to generate deepfake (DF) videos. While deep learning-based detection methods have been proposed to identify specific types of DFs, their performance suffers for other types of deepfake methods, including real-world deepfakes, on which they are not sufficiently trained. In other words, most of the proposed deep learning-based detection methods lack transferability and generalizability. Beyond detecting a single type of DF from benchmark deepfake datasets, we focus on developing a generalized approach to detect multiple types of DFs, including deepfakes from unknown generation methods such as DeepFake-in-the-Wild (DFW) videos. To better cope with unknown and unseen deepfakes, we introduce a Convolutional LSTM-based Residual Network (CLRNet), which adopts a unique model training strategy and explores spatial as well as the temporal information in deepfakes. Through extensive experiments, we show that existing defense methods are not ready for real-world deployment. Whereas our defense method (CLRNet) achieves far better generalization when detecting various benchmark deepfake methods (97.57 high-quality DeepFake-in-the-Wild dataset, collected from the Internet containing numerous videos and having more than 150,000 frames. Our CLRNet model demonstrated that it generalizes well against high-quality DFW videos by achieving 93.86 defense methods by a considerable margin.


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