Online Social Media Recommendation over Streams

by   Xiangmin Zhou, et al.

As one of the most popular services over online communities, the social recommendation has attracted increasing research efforts recently. Among all the recommendation tasks, an important one is social item recommendation over high speed social media streams. Existing streaming recommendation techniques are not effective for handling social users with diverse interests. Meanwhile, approaches for recommending items to a particular user are not efficient when applied to a huge number of users over high speed streams. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for the social recommendation over streaming environments. Specifically, we first propose a novel Bi-Layer Hidden Markov Model (BiHMM) that adaptively captures the behaviors of social users and their interactions with influential official accounts to predict their long-term and short-term interests. Then, we design a new probabilistic entity matching scheme for effectively identifying the relevance score of a streaming item to a user. Following that, we propose a novel indexing scheme called for improving the efficiency of our solution. Extensive experiments are conducted to prove the high performance of our approach in terms of the recommendation quality and time cost.


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