OptM3Sec: Optimizing Multicast IRS-Aided Multiantenna DFRC Secrecy Channel with Multiple Eavesdroppers
With the use of common signaling methods for dual-function radar-communications (DFRC) systems, the susceptibility of eavesdropping on messages aimed at legitimate users has worsened. For DFRC systems, the radar target may act as an eavesdropper (ED) that receives a high-energy signal thereby leading to additional challenges. Unlike prior works, we consider a multicast multi-antenna DFRC system with multiple EDs. We then propose a physical layer design approach to maximize the secrecy rate by installing intelligent reflecting surfaces in the radar channels. Our optimization of multiple ED multicast multi-antenna DFRC secrecy rate (OptM3Sec) approach solves this highly nonconvex problem with respect to the precoding matrices. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the feasibility of our algorithm in maximizing the secrecy rate in this DFRC setup.