Outage Probability Minimization for UAV-Enabled Data Collection with Distributed Beamforming

by   Tianxin Feng, et al.

This paper studies an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless sensor network, in which one UAV flies in the sky to collect the data transmitted from a set of sensors via distributed beamforming. We consider the delay-sensitive application scenario, in which the sensors transmit the common/shared messages by using fixed data rates and adaptive transmit powers. Under this setup, we jointly optimize the UAV's trajectory design and the sensors' transmit power allocation, in order to minimize the transmission outage probability, subject to the UAV's flight speed constraints and the sensors' individual average power constraints. However, the formulated outage probability minimization problem is non-convex and thus difficult to be optimally solved in general. To tackle this issue, we first consider the special problem in the ideal case with the UAV's flight speed constraints ignored, for which the well-structured optimal solution is obtained to reveal the fundamental performance upper bound. Next, for the general problem with the UAV's flight speed constraints considered, we propose an efficient algorithm to solve it sub-optimally by using the techniques of convex optimization and approximation. Finally, numerical results show that our proposed design achieves significantly reduced outage probability than other benchmark schemes.


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