Particle clustering in turbulence: Prediction of spatial and statistical properties with deep learning

by   Yan-Mong Chan, et al.

We demonstrate the utility of deep learning for modeling the clustering of particles that are aerodynamically coupled to turbulent fluids. Using a Lagrangian particle module within the ATHENA++ hydrodynamics code, we simulate the dynamics of particles in the Epstein drag regime within a periodic domain of isotropic forced hydrodynamic turbulence. This setup is an idealized model relevant to the collisional growth of micron to mmsized dust particles in early stage planet formation. The simulation data is used to train a U-Net deep learning model to predict gridded three-dimensional representations of the particle density and velocity fields, given as input the corresponding fluid fields. The trained model qualitatively captures the filamentary structure of clustered particles in a highly non-linear regime. We assess model fidelity by calculating metrics of the density structure (the radial distribution function) and of the velocity field (the relative velocity and the relative radial velocity between particles). Although trained only on the spatial fields, the model predicts these statistical quantities with errors that are typically < 10 learning could be used to accelerate calculations of particle clustering and collision outcomes both in protoplanetary disks, and in related two-fluid turbulence problems that arise in other disciplines.


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