Password-Based Authentication and The Experiences of End Users

by   Assumpta Ezugwu, et al.

Passwords are used majorly for end-user authentication in information and communication technology (ICT) systems due to its perceived ease of use. The use for end-user authentication extends through mobile, computers and network-based products and services. But with the attendant issues relating to password hacks, leakages, and theft largely due to weak, reuse and poor password habits of end-users, the call for passwordless authentication as alternative intensifies. All the same, there are missing knowledge of whether these password-based experiences are associated with societal economic status, educational qualification of citizens, their age and gender, technological advancements, and depth of penetration. In line with the above, understanding the experience of end-users in developing economy to ascertain their password-based experience has become of interest to the researchers. This paper aims at measuring the experience of staff and students in University communities within southeastern Nigeria on password-based authentication systems. These communities have population whose age brackets are majorly within the ages of 16 and 60 years; have people with requisite educational qualifications ranging from Diploma to Doctorate degrees and constitutes good number of ICT tools consumers. The survey had 291 respondents, and collected data about age, educational qualifications, and gender from these respondents. It also collected information about their password experience in social media network, online shopping, electronic health care services, and internet banking. Our analysis using SPSS and report by means of descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, and Chi-Square tests showed that account compromise in the geographical area is not common with the respondents reporting good experience with passwords usage.


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