Path convergence of Markov chains on large graphs

by   Siva Athreya, et al.

We consider two classes of natural stochastic processes on finite unlabeled graphs. These are Euclidean stochastic optimization algorithms on the adjacency matrix of weighted graphs and a modified version of the Metropolis MCMC algorithm on stochastic block models over unweighted graphs. In both cases we show that, as the size of the graph goes to infinity, the random trajectories of the stochastic processes converge to deterministic limits. These deterministic limits are curves on the space of measure-valued graphons. Measure-valued graphons, introduced by Lovász and Szegedy, are a refinement of the concept of graphons that can distinguish between two infinite exchangeable arrays that give rise to the same graphon limit. We introduce new metrics on this space which provide us with a natural notion of convergence for our limit theorems. This notion is equivalent to the convergence of infinite-exchangeable arrays. Under a suitable time-scaling, the Metropolis chain admits a diffusion limit as the number of vertices go to infinity. We then demonstrate that, in an appropriately formulated zero-noise limit, the stochastic process of adjacency matrices of this diffusion converge to a deterministic gradient flow curve on the space of graphons introduced in arXiv:2111.09459 [math.PR]. Under suitable assumptions, this allows us to estimate an exponential convergence rate for the Metropolis chain in a certain limiting regime. To the best of our knowledge, both the actual rate and the connection between a natural Metropolis chain commonly used in exponential random graph models and gradient flows on graphons are new in the literature.


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