Physically-Based Editing of Indoor Scene Lighting from a Single Image

by   Zhengqin Li, et al.

We present a method to edit complex indoor lighting from a single image with its predicted depth and light source segmentation masks. This is an extremely challenging problem that requires modeling complex light transport, and disentangling HDR lighting from material and geometry with only a partial LDR observation of the scene. We tackle this problem using two novel components: 1) a holistic scene reconstruction method that estimates scene reflectance and parametric 3D lighting, and 2) a neural rendering framework that re-renders the scene from our predictions. We use physically-based indoor light representations that allow for intuitive editing, and infer both visible and invisible light sources. Our neural rendering framework combines physically-based direct illumination and shadow rendering with deep networks to approximate global illumination. It can capture challenging lighting effects, such as soft shadows, directional lighting, specular materials, and interreflections. Previous single image inverse rendering methods usually entangle scene lighting and geometry and only support applications like object insertion. Instead, by combining parametric 3D lighting estimation with neural scene rendering, we demonstrate the first automatic method to achieve full scene relighting, including light source insertion, removal, and replacement, from a single image. All source code and data will be publicly released.


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