Pixel Objectness: Learning to Segment Generic Objects Automatically in Images and Videos

by   Bo Xiong, et al.

We propose an end-to-end learning framework for segmenting generic objects in both images and videos. Given a novel image or video, our approach produces a pixel-level mask for all "object-like" regions---even for object categories never seen during training. We formulate the task as a structured prediction problem of assigning an object/background label to each pixel, implemented using a deep fully convolutional network. When applied to a video, our model further incorporates a motion stream, and the network learns to combine both appearance and motion and attempts to extract all prominent objects whether they are moving or not. Beyond the core model, a second contribution of our approach is how it leverages varying strengths of training annotations. Pixel-level annotations are quite difficult to obtain, yet crucial for training a deep network approach for segmentation. Thus we propose ways to exploit weakly labeled data for learning dense foreground segmentation. For images, we show the value in mixing object category examples with image-level labels together with relatively few images with boundary-level annotations. For video, we show how to bootstrap weakly annotated videos together with the network trained for image segmentation. Through experiments on multiple challenging image and video segmentation benchmarks, our method offers consistently strong results and improves the state-of-the-art for fully automatic segmentation of generic (unseen) objects. In addition, we demonstrate how our approach benefits image retrieval and image retargeting, both of which flourish when given our high-quality foreground maps. Code, models, and videos are at:http://vision.cs.utexas.edu/projects/pixelobjectness/


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