Popular Edges with Critical Nodes

by   Kushagra Chatterjee, et al.

In the popular edge problem, the input is a bipartite graph G = (A ∪ B,E) where A and B denote a set of men and a set of women respectively, and each vertex in A∪ B has a strict preference ordering over its neighbours. A matching M in G is said to be popular if there is no other matching M' such that the number of vertices that prefer M' to M is more than the number of vertices that prefer M to M'. The goal is to determine, whether a given edge e belongs to some popular matching in G. A polynomial-time algorithm for this problem appears in <cit.>. We consider the popular edge problem when some men or women are prioritized or critical. A matching that matches all the critical nodes is termed as a feasible matching. It follows from <cit.> that, when G admits a feasible matching, there always exists a matching that is popular among all feasible matchings. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for the popular edge problem in the presence of critical men or women. We also show that an analogous result does not hold in the many-to-one setting, which is known as the Hospital-Residents Problem in literature, even when there are no critical nodes.


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