Predicates of the 3D Apollonius Diagram

by   Manos Kamarianakis, et al.

In this thesis we study one of the fundamental predicates required for the construction of the 3D Apollonius diagram (also known as the 3D Additively Weighted Voronoi diagram), namely the EDGECONFLICT predicate: given five sites S_i, S_j,S_k,S_l,S_m that define an edge e_ijklm in the 3D Apollonius diagram, and a sixth query site S_q, the predicate determines the portion of e_ijklm that will disappear in the Apollonius diagram of the six sites due to the insertion of S_q. Our focus is on the algorithmic analysis of the predicate with the aim to minimize its algebraic degree. We decompose the main predicate into sub-predicates, which are then evaluated with the aid of additional primitive operations. We show that the maximum algebraic degree required to answer any of the sub-predicates and primitives, and, thus, our main predicate is 10 in non-degenerate configurations when the trisector is of Hausdorff dimension 1. We also prove that all subpredicates developed can be evaluated using 10 or 8-degree demanding operations for degenerate input for these trisector types, depending on whether they require the evaluation of an intermediate INSPHERE predicate or not. Among the tools we use is the 3D inversion transformation and the so-called qualitative symbolic perturbation scheme. Most of our analysis is carried out in the inverted space, which is where our geometric observations and analysis is captured in algebraic terms.


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