Preserving In-Context Learning ability in Large Language Model Fine-tuning

by   Yihan Wang, et al.

Pretrained large language models (LLMs) are strong in-context learners that are able to perform few-shot learning without changing model parameters. However, as we show, fine-tuning an LLM on any specific task generally destroys its in-context ability. We discover an important cause of this loss, format specialization, where the model overfits to the format of the fine-tuned task and is unable to output anything beyond this format. We further show that format specialization happens at the beginning of fine-tuning. To solve this problem, we propose Prompt Tuning with MOdel Tuning (ProMoT), a simple yet effective two-stage fine-tuning framework that preserves in-context abilities of the pretrained model. ProMoT first trains a soft prompt for the fine-tuning target task, and then fine-tunes the model itself with this soft prompt attached. ProMoT offloads task-specific formats into the soft prompt that can be removed when doing other in-context tasks. We fine-tune mT5 XXL with ProMoT on natural language inference (NLI) and English-French translation and evaluate the in-context abilities of the resulting models on 8 different NLP tasks. ProMoT achieves similar performance on the fine-tuned tasks compared with vanilla fine-tuning, but with much less reduction of in-context learning performances across the board. More importantly, ProMoT shows remarkable generalization ability on tasks that have different formats, e.g. fine-tuning on a NLI binary classification task improves the model's in-context ability to do summarization (+0.53 Rouge-2 score compared to the pretrained model), making ProMoT a promising method to build general purpose capabilities such as grounding and reasoning into LLMs with small but high quality datasets. When extended to sequential or multi-task training, ProMoT can achieve even better out-of-domain generalization performance.


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