Progressive Voronoi Diagram Subdivision: Towards A Holistic Geometric Framework for Exemplar-free Class-Incremental Learning

by   Chunwei Ma, et al.

Exemplar-free Class-incremental Learning (CIL) is a challenging problem because rehearsing data from previous phases is strictly prohibited, causing catastrophic forgetting of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). In this paper, we present iVoro, a holistic framework for CIL, derived from computational geometry. We found Voronoi Diagram (VD), a classical model for space subdivision, is especially powerful for solving the CIL problem, because VD itself can be constructed favorably in an incremental manner – the newly added sites (classes) will only affect the proximate classes, making the non-contiguous classes hardly forgettable. Further, in order to find a better set of centers for VD construction, we colligate DNN with VD using Power Diagram and show that the VD structure can be optimized by integrating local DNN models using a divide-and-conquer algorithm. Moreover, our VD construction is not restricted to the deep feature space, but is also applicable to multiple intermediate feature spaces, promoting VD to be multi-centered VD (CIVD) that efficiently captures multi-grained features from DNN. Importantly, iVoro is also capable of handling uncertainty-aware test-time Voronoi cell assignment and has exhibited high correlations between geometric uncertainty and predictive accuracy (up to  0.9). Putting everything together, iVoro achieves up to 25.26 ImageNet-Subset, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art non-exemplar CIL approaches. In conclusion, iVoro enables highly accurate, privacy-preserving, and geometrically interpretable CIL that is particularly useful when cross-phase data sharing is forbidden, e.g. in medical applications. Our code is available at


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