PyArmadillo: a streamlined linear algebra library for Python
PyArmadillo is a linear algebra library for the Python language, with the aim of closely mirroring the programming interface of the widely used Armadillo C++ library, which in turn is deliberately similar to Matlab. PyArmadillo hence facilitates algorithm prototyping with Matlab-like syntax directly in Python, and relatively straightforward conversion of PyArmadillo-based Python code into performant Armadillo-based C++ code. The converted code can be used for purposes such as speeding up Python-based programs in conjunction with pybind11, or the integration of algorithms originally prototyped in Python into larger C++ codebases. PyArmadillo provides objects for matrices and cubes, as well as over 200 associated functions for manipulating data stored in the objects. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported. Various matrix factorisations are provided through integration with LAPACK, or one of its high performance drop-in replacements such as Intel MKL or OpenBLAS. PyArmadillo is open-source software, distributed under the Apache 2.0 license; it can be obtained at or via the Python Package Index in precompiled form.