Reading Chinese in Natural Scenes with a Bag-of-Radicals Prior

by   Liu Yongbin, et al.

Scene text recognition (STR) on Latin datasets has been extensively studied in recent years, and state-of-the-art (SOTA) models often reach high accuracy. However, the performance on non-Latin transcripts, such as Chinese, is not satisfactory. In this paper, we collect six open-source Chinese STR datasets and evaluate a series of classic methods performing well on Latin datasets, finding a significant performance drop. To improve the performance on Chinese datasets, we propose a novel radical-embedding (RE) representation to utilize the ideographic descriptions of Chinese characters. The ideographic descriptions of Chinese characters are firstly converted to bags of radicals and then fused with learnable character embeddings by a character-vector-fusion-module (CVFM). In addition, we utilize a bag of radicals as supervision signals for multi-task training to improve the ideographic structure perception of our model. Experiments show performance of the model with RE + CVFM + multi-task training is superior compared with the baseline on six Chinese STR datasets. In addition, we utilize a bag of radicals as supervision signals for multi-task training to improve the ideographic structure perception of our model. Experiments show performance of the model with RE + CVFM + multi-task training is superior compared with the baseline on six Chinese STR datasets.


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