Regularizing Matrix Factorization with User and Item Embeddings for Recommendation
Following recent successes in exploiting both latent factor and word embedding models in recommendation, we propose a novel Regularized Multi-Embedding (RME) based recommendation model that simultaneously encapsulates the following ideas via decomposition: (1) which items a user likes, (2) which two users co-like the same items, (3) which two items users often co-liked, and (4) which two items users often co-disliked. In experimental validation, the RME outperforms competing state-of-the-art models in both explicit and implicit feedback datasets, significantly improving Recall@5 by 5.9 7.0 under the cold-start scenario for users with the lowest number of interactions, against the competing models, the RME outperforms NDCG@5 by 20.2 MovieLens-10M and MovieLens-20M datasets, respectively. Our datasets and source code are available at: