Resisting Out-of-Distribution Data Problem in Perturbation of XAI

by   Luyu Qiu, et al.

With the rapid development of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), perturbation-based XAI algorithms have become quite popular due to their effectiveness and ease of implementation. The vast majority of perturbation-based XAI techniques face the challenge of Out-of-Distribution (OoD) data – an artifact of randomly perturbed data becoming inconsistent with the original dataset. OoD data leads to the over-confidence problem in model predictions, making the existing XAI approaches unreliable. To our best knowledge, the OoD data problem in perturbation-based XAI algorithms has not been adequately addressed in the literature. In this work, we address this OoD data problem by designing an additional module quantifying the affinity between the perturbed data and the original dataset distribution, which is integrated into the process of aggregation. Our solution is shown to be compatible with the most popular perturbation-based XAI algorithms, such as RISE, OCCLUSION, and LIME. Experiments have confirmed that our methods demonstrate a significant improvement in general cases using both computational and cognitive metrics. Especially in the case of degradation, our proposed approach demonstrates outstanding performance comparing to baselines. Besides, our solution also resolves a fundamental problem with the faithfulness indicator, a commonly used evaluation metric of XAI algorithms that appears to be sensitive to the OoD issue.


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