Rigid3D: a hybrid multi-sphere DEM framework for simulation of non-spherical particles in multi-phase flow

by   Fei-Liang Yuan, et al.

This article presents the development and validation of a hybrid multi-sphere discrete element framework - Rigid3D, for the simulation of granular systems with arbitrarily shaped particles in 3D space. In this DEM framework, a non-spherical particle is approximated by three different geometric models: (1) multi-sphere model with overlapping spheres (MS model), (2) particle surface with triangle mesh (surface model), and (3) discretized particle body with polyhedral cells (cell model). The multi-sphere approach will be the "engine" for efficient DEM simulations, while the particle's mesh and cell models will be updated simultaneously according to the position and orientation of their associated MS model, for use in particle-related inter-phase couplings in a multi-phase flow. In this sense, Rigid3D tries to combine the best of both worlds in multi-sphere and polyhedral DEMs: multi-sphere method for the efficiency and acceptable accuracy in the DEM simulation of granular flows, while the surface and cell models for the couplings between particles and other phases (continuous or dispersed phases) without affecting the performance of DEM simulations.


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