RipViz: Finding Rip Currents by Learning Pathline Behavior

by   Akila de Silva, et al.

We present a hybrid machine learning and flow analysis feature detection method, RipViz, to extract rip currents from stationary videos. Rip currents are dangerous strong currents that can drag beachgoers out to sea. Most people are either unaware of them or do not know what they look like. In some instances, even trained personnel such as lifeguards have difficulty identifying them. RipViz produces a simple, easy to understand visualization of rip location overlaid on the source video. With RipViz, we first obtain an unsteady 2D vector field from the stationary video using optical flow. Movement at each pixel is analyzed over time. At each seed point, sequences of short pathlines, rather a single long pathline, are traced across the frames of the video to better capture the quasi-periodic flow behavior of wave activity. Because of the motion on the beach, the surf zone, and the surrounding areas, these pathlines may still appear very cluttered and incomprehensible. Furthermore, lay audiences are not familiar with pathlines and may not know how to interpret them. To address this, we treat rip currents as a flow anomaly in an otherwise normal flow. To learn about the normal flow behavior, we train an LSTM autoencoder with pathline sequences from normal ocean, foreground, and background movements. During test time, we use the trained LSTM autoencoder to detect anomalous pathlines (i.e., those in the rip zone). The origination points of such anomalous pathlines, over the course of the video, are then presented as points within the rip zone. RipViz is fully automated and does not require user input. Feedback from domain expert suggests that RipViz has the potential for wider use.


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