RPBA – Robust Parallel Bundle Adjustment Based on Covariance Information

by   Helmut Mayer, et al.

A core component of all Structure from Motion (SfM) approaches is bundle adjustment. As the latter is a computational bottleneck for larger blocks, parallel bundle adjustment has become an active area of research. Particularly, consensus-based optimization methods have been shown to be suitable for this task. We have extended them using covariance information derived by the adjustment of individual three-dimensional (3D) points, i.e., "triangulation" or "intersection". This does not only lead to a much better convergence behavior, but also avoids fiddling with the penalty parameter of standard consensus-based approaches. The corresponding novel approach can also be seen as a variant of resection / intersection schemes, where we adjust during intersection a number of sub-blocks directly related to the number of threads available on a computer each containing a fraction of the cameras of the block. We show that our novel approach is suitable for robust parallel bundle adjustment and demonstrate its capabilities in comparison to the basic consensus-based approach as well as a state-of-the-art parallel implementation of bundle adjustment. Code for our novel approach is available on GitHub: https://github.com/helmayer/RPBA


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