S2R-DepthNet: Learning a Generalizable Depth-specific Structural Representation

by   Xiaotian Chen, et al.

Human can infer the 3D geometry of a scene from a sketch instead of a realistic image, which indicates that the spatial structure plays a fundamental role in understanding the depth of scenes. We are the first to explore the learning of a depth-specific structural representation, which captures the essential feature for depth estimation and ignores irrelevant style information. Our S2R-DepthNet (Synthetic to Real DepthNet) can be well generalized to unseen real-world data directly even though it is only trained on synthetic data. S2R-DepthNet consists of: a) a Structure Extraction (STE) module which extracts a domaininvariant structural representation from an image by disentangling the image into domain-invariant structure and domain-specific style components, b) a Depth-specific Attention (DSA) module, which learns task-specific knowledge to suppress depth-irrelevant structures for better depth estimation and generalization, and c) a depth prediction module (DP) to predict depth from the depth-specific representation. Without access of any real-world images, our method even outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation methods which use real-world images of the target domain for training. In addition, when using a small amount of labeled real-world data, we achieve the state-ofthe-art performance under the semi-supervised setting.


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