Scrutinizing uncitedness of selective Indian physics and astronomy journals through the prism of some h-type indicators

by   Amit Kumar Das, et al.

There exist huge chunk of academic items receiving no citation years after years and remaining beyond the veil of ignorance of the academic audience. These are known as uncited items. Now, the question is, why a paper fails to get citation? The attribute of incapability of receiving citation may be termed as Uncitedness. This paper traces brief history of the concept of uncitedness sprouted first in 1964 in an article entitled Cybernetics, homeostasis and a model of disease by Gerson Jacobs. The concept of uncitedness was scientometrically first explained by Garfield in 1970. The uncitedness of twelve esteemed Indian physics and astronomy journals over a twelve years' (2009-2020) time span is analysed here. Besides Uncitedness Factor (UF), three other indicators are introduced here, viz. Citation per paper per Year (CY), h-core Density (HD) and Time-normalised h-index (TH). The journal-wise variational patterns of these four indicators, i.e. UF, CY, HD and TH and the relationships of UF with other three indicators are analysed. The calculated numerical values of these indicators are observed to formulate seven hypotheses, which are tested by F-Test method. The average annual rate of change of uncited paper is found 67 CY is found temporally constant. The indicator HD is found nearly constant journal-wise over the entire time span, while the indicator TH is found nearly constant for all journals. The UF inversely varies with CY and TH for the journals and directly varies with TH over the years. Except few highly reputed Indian journals in physics and astronomy, majority other journals face the situation of uncitedness. The uncitedness of Indian journals in this field outshines the same for global journals by 12 circulation and timely reach of research communication to the relevant audience.


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