Semi-supervised Neural Chord Estimation Based on a Variational Autoencoder with Discrete Labels and Continuous Textures of Chords

by   Yiming Wu, et al.

This paper describes a statistically-principled semi-supervised method of automatic chord estimation (ACE) that can make effective use of any music signals regardless of the availability of chord annotations. The typical approach to ACE is to train a deep classification model (neural chord estimator) in a supervised manner by using only a limited amount of annotated music signals. In this discriminative approach, prior knowledge about chord label sequences (characteristics of model output) has scarcely been taken into account. In contract, we propose a unified generative and discriminative approach in the framework of amortized variational inference. More specifically, we formulate a deep generative model that represents the complex generative process of chroma vectors (observed variables) from the discrete labels and continuous textures of chords (latent variables). Chord labels and textures are assumed to follow a Markov model favoring self-transitions and a standard Gaussian distribution, respectively. Given chroma vectors as observed data, the posterior distributions of latent chord labels and textures are computed approximately by using deep classification and recognition models, respectively. These three models are combined to form a variational autoencoder and trained jointly in a semi-supervised manner. The experimental results show that the performance of the classification model can be improved by additionally using non-annotated music signals and/or by regularizing the classification model with the Markov model of chord labels and the generative model of chroma vectors even in the fully-supervised condition.


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