Separated and Shared Effects in Higher-Order Languages

Effectful programs interact in ways that go beyond simple input-output, making compositional reasoning challenging. Existing work has shown that when such programs are “separate”, i.e., when programs do not interfere with each other, it can be easier to reason about them. While reasoning about separated resources has been well-studied, there has been little work on reasoning about separated effects, especially for functional, higher-order programming languages. We propose two higher-order languages that can reason about sharing and separation in effectful programs. Our first language λ_INI has a linear type system and probabilistic semantics, where the two product types capture independent and possibly-dependent pairs. Our second language λ_INI^2 is two-level, stratified language, inspired by Benton's linear-non-linear (LNL) calculus. We motivate this language with a probabilistic model, but we also provide a general categorical semantics and exhibit a range of concrete models beyond probabilistic programming. We prove soundness theorems for all of our languages; our general soundness theorem for our categorical models of λ_INI^2 uses a categorical gluing construction.


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