SHAP-IQ: Unified Approximation of any-order Shapley Interactions

by   Fabian Fumagalli, et al.

Predominately in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) research, the Shapley value (SV) is applied to determine feature importance scores for any black box model. Shapley interaction indices extend the Shapley value to define any-order feature interaction scores. Defining a unique Shapley interaction index is an open research question and, so far, three definitions have been proposed, which differ by their choice of axioms. Moreover, each definition requires a specific approximation technique. We, however, propose SHAPley Interaction Quantification (SHAP-IQ), an efficient sampling-based approximator to compute Shapley interactions for all three definitions, as well as all other that satisfy the linearity, symmetry and dummy axiom. SHAP-IQ is based on a novel representation and, in contrast to existing methods, we provide theoretical guarantees for its approximation quality, as well as estimates for the variance of the point estimates. For the special case of SV, our approach reveals a novel representation of the SV and corresponds to Unbiased KernelSHAP with a greatly simplified calculation. We illustrate the computational efficiency and effectiveness by explaining state-of-the-art language models among high-dimensional synthetic models.


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