Small Sample Estimators for Two-way Capture Recapture Experiments

by   Louis-Paul Rivest, et al.

The properties of the generalized Waring distribution defined on the non negative integers are reviewed. Formulas for its moments and its mode are given. A construction as a mixture of negative binomial distributions is also presented. Then we turn to the Petersen model for estimating the population size N in a two-way capture recapture experiment. We construct a Bayesian model for N by combining a Waring prior with the hypergeometric distribution for the number of units caught twice in the experiment. Confidence intervals for N are obtained using quantiles of the posterior, a generalized Waring distribution. The standard confidence interval for the population size constructed using the asymptotic variance of Petersen estimator and .5 logit transformed interval are shown to be special cases of the generalized Waring confidence interval. The true coverage of this interval is shown to be bigger than or equal to its nominal converage in small populations, regardless of the capture probabilities. In addition, its length is substantially smaller than that of the .5 logit transformed interval. Thus a generalized Waring confidence interval appears to be the best way to quantify the uncertainty of the Petersen estimator for populations size.


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