solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts

by   Ákos Hajdu, et al.

We present solc-verify, a source-level verification tool for Ethereum smart contracts. Solc-verify takes smart contracts written in Solidity and discharges verification conditions using modular program analysis and SMT solvers. Built on top of the Solidity compiler, solc-verify reasons at the level of the contract source code, as opposed to the more common approaches that operate at the level of Ethereum bytecode. This enables solc-verify to effectively reason about high-level contract properties while modeling low-level language semantics precisely. The contract properties, such as contract invariants, loop invariants, and function pre- and post-conditions, can be provided as annotations in the code by the developer. This enables automated, yet user-friendly formal verification for smart contracts. We demonstrate solc-verify by examining real-world examples where our tool can effectively find bugs and prove correctness of non-trivial properties with minimal user effort.


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