SRL: Scaling Distributed Reinforcement Learning to Over Ten Thousand Cores

by   Zhiyu Mei, et al.

The ever-growing complexity of reinforcement learning (RL) tasks demands a distributed RL system to efficiently generate and process a massive amount of data to train intelligent agents. However, existing open-source libraries suffer from various limitations, which impede their practical use in challenging scenarios where large-scale training is necessary. While industrial systems from OpenAI and DeepMind have achieved successful large-scale RL training, their system architecture and implementation details remain undisclosed to the community. In this paper, we present a novel abstraction on the dataflows of RL training, which unifies practical RL training across diverse applications into a general framework and enables fine-grained optimizations. Following this abstraction, we develop a scalable, efficient, and extensible distributed RL system called ReaLly Scalable RL (SRL). The system architecture of SRL separates major RL computation components and allows massively parallelized training. Moreover, SRL offers user-friendly and extensible interfaces for customized algorithms. Our evaluation shows that SRL outperforms existing academic libraries in both a single machine and a medium-sized cluster. In a large-scale cluster, the novel architecture of SRL leads to up to 3.7x speedup compared to the design choices adopted by the existing libraries. We also conduct a direct benchmark comparison to OpenAI's industrial system, Rapid, in the challenging hide-and-seek environment. SRL reproduces the same solution as reported by OpenAI with up to 5x speedup in wall-clock time. Furthermore, we also examine the performance of SRL in a much harder variant of the hide-and-seek environment and achieve substantial learning speedup by scaling SRL to over 15k CPU cores and 32 A100 GPUs. Notably, SRL is the first in the academic community to perform RL experiments at such a large scale.


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