Streaming Algorithms for Learning with Experts: Deterministic Versus Robust

by   David P. Woodruff, et al.

In the online learning with experts problem, an algorithm must make a prediction about an outcome on each of T days (or times), given a set of n experts who make predictions on each day (or time). The algorithm is given feedback on the outcomes of each day, including the cost of its prediction and the cost of the expert predictions, and the goal is to make a prediction with the minimum cost, specifically compared to the best expert in the set. Recent work by Srinivas, Woodruff, Xu, and Zhou (STOC 2022) introduced the study of the online learning with experts problem under memory constraints. However, often the predictions made by experts or algorithms at some time influence future outcomes, so that the input is adaptively chosen. Whereas deterministic algorithms would be robust to adaptive inputs, existing algorithms all crucially use randomization to sample a small number of experts. In this paper, we study deterministic and robust algorithms for the experts problem. We first show a space lower bound of Ω(nM/RT) for any deterministic algorithm that achieves regret R when the best expert makes M mistakes. Our result shows that the natural deterministic algorithm, which iterates through pools of experts until each expert in the pool has erred, is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors. On the positive side, we give a randomized algorithm that is robust to adaptive inputs that uses O(n/R√(T)) space for M=O(R^2 T/log^2 n), thereby showing a smooth space-regret trade-off.


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