Teaching Vehicles to Anticipate: A Systematic Study on Probabilistic Behavior Prediction using Large Data Sets

by   Florian Wirthmüller, et al.

Observations of traffic participants and their environment enable humans to drive road vehicles safely. However, when being driven, there is a notable difference between having a non-experienced vs. an experienced driver. One may get the feeling, that the latter one anticipates what may happen in the next few moments and considers these foresights in his driving behavior. To make the driving style of automated vehicles comparable to a human driver in the sense of comfort and perceived safety, the aforementioned anticipation skills need to become a built-in feature of self-driving vehicles. This article provides a systematic comparison of methods and strategies to generate this intention for self-driving cars using machine learning techniques. To implement and test these algorithms we use a large data set collected over more than 30000 km of highway driving and containing approximately 40000 real world driving situations. Moreover, we show that it is possible to certainly detect more than 47 false positive rate of less than 1 position with a prediction horizon of 5 s with a median error of less than 0.21 m.


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