Text-driven Video Prediction

by   Xue Song, et al.

Current video generation models usually convert signals indicating appearance and motion received from inputs (e.g., image, text) or latent spaces (e.g., noise vectors) into consecutive frames, fulfilling a stochastic generation process for the uncertainty introduced by latent code sampling. However, this generation pattern lacks deterministic constraints for both appearance and motion, leading to uncontrollable and undesirable outcomes. To this end, we propose a new task called Text-driven Video Prediction (TVP). Taking the first frame and text caption as inputs, this task aims to synthesize the following frames. Specifically, appearance and motion components are provided by the image and caption separately. The key to addressing the TVP task depends on fully exploring the underlying motion information in text descriptions, thus facilitating plausible video generation. In fact, this task is intrinsically a cause-and-effect problem, as the text content directly influences the motion changes of frames. To investigate the capability of text in causal inference for progressive motion information, our TVP framework contains a Text Inference Module (TIM), producing step-wise embeddings to regulate motion inference for subsequent frames. In particular, a refinement mechanism incorporating global motion semantics guarantees coherent generation. Extensive experiments are conducted on Something-Something V2 and Single Moving MNIST datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves better results over other baselines, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


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