The 2-adic complexity of Yu-Gong sequences with interleaved structure and optimal autocorrelation magnitude

by   Yuhua Sun, et al.

In 2008, a class of binary sequences of period N=4(2^k-1)(2^k+1) with optimal autocorrelation magnitude has been presented by Yu and Gong based on an m-sequence, the perfect sequence (0,1,1,1) of period 4 and interleaving technique. In this paper, we study the 2-adic complexities of these sequences. Our results show that they are larger than N-2log_2N (which is far larger than N/2) and could attain the maximum value N if suitable parameters are chosen, i.e., the 2-adic complexity of this class of interleaved sequences is large enough to resist the Rational Approximation Algorithm.


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