The Asymptotic Capacity of X-Secure T-Private Linear Computation with Graph Based Replicated Storage

by   Haobo Jia, et al.

The problem of X-secure T-private linear computation with graph based replicated storage (GXSTPLC) is to enable the user to retrieve a linear combination of messages privately from a set of N distributed servers where every message is only allowed to store among a subset of servers subject to an X-security constraint, i.e., any groups of up to X colluding servers must reveal nothing about the messages. Besides, any groups of up to T servers cannot learn anything about the coefficients of the linear combination retrieved by the user. In this work, we completely characterize the asymptotic capacity of GXSTPLC, i.e., the supremum of average number of desired symbols retrieved per downloaded symbol, in the limit as the number of messages K approaches infinity. Specifically, it is shown that a prior linear programming based upper bound on the asymptotic capacity of GXSTPLC due to Jia and Jafar is tight by constructing achievability schemes. Notably, our achievability scheme also settles the exact capacity (i.e., for finite K) of X-secure linear combination with graph based replicated storage (GXSLC). Our achievability proof builds upon an achievability scheme for a closely related problem named asymmetric 𝐗-secure 𝐓-private linear computation with graph based replicated storage (Asymm-GXSTPLC) that guarantees non-uniform security and privacy levels across messages and coefficients. In particular, by carefully designing Asymm-GXSTPLC settings for GXSTPLC problems, the corresponding Asymm-GXSTPLC schemes can be reduced to asymptotic capacity achieving schemes for GXSTPLC. In regard to the achievability scheme for Asymm-GXSTPLC, interesting aspects of our construction include a novel query and answer design which makes use of a Vandermonde decomposition of Cauchy matrices, and a trade-off among message replication, security and privacy thresholds.


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