The Burer-Monteiro SDP method can fail even above the Barvinok-Pataki bound

by   Liam O'Carroll, et al.

The most widely used technique for solving large-scale semidefinite programs (SDPs) in practice is the non-convex Burer-Monteiro method, which explicitly maintains a low-rank SDP solution for memory efficiency. There has been much recent interest in obtaining a better theoretical understanding of the Burer-Monteiro method. When the maximum allowed rank p of the SDP solution is above the Barvinok-Pataki bound (where a globally optimal solution of rank at most p is guaranteed to exist), a recent line of work established convergence to a global optimum for generic or smoothed instances of the problem. However, it was open whether there even exists an instance in this regime where the Burer-Monteiro method fails. We prove that the Burer-Monteiro method can fail for the Max-Cut SDP on n vertices when the rank is above the Barvinok-Pataki bound (p ≥√(2n)). We provide a family of instances that have spurious local minima even when the rank p = n/2. Combined with existing guarantees, this settles the question of the existence of spurious local minima for the Max-Cut formulation in all ranges of the rank and justifies the use of beyond worst-case paradigms like smoothed analysis to obtain guarantees for the Burer-Monteiro method.


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