The K-Centre Problem for Necklaces

by   Duncan Adamson, et al.

In graph theory, the objective of the k-centre problem is to find a set of k vertices for which the largest distance of any vertex to its closest vertex in the k-set is minimised. In this paper, we introduce the k-centre problem for sets of necklaces, i.e. the equivalence classes of words under the cyclic shift. This can be seen as the k-centre problem on the complete weighted graph where every necklace is represented by a vertex, and each edge has a weight given by the overlap distance between any pair of necklaces. Similar to the graph case, the goal is to choose k necklaces such that the distance from any word in the language and its nearest centre is minimised. However, in a case of k-centre problem for languages the size of associated graph maybe exponential in relation to the description of the language, i.e., the length of the words l and the size of the alphabet q. We derive several approximation algorithms for the k-centre problem on necklaces, with logarithmic approximation factor in the context of l and k, and within a constant factor for a more restricted case.


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