Throughput Analysis in Cache-enabled Millimeter Wave HetNets with Access and Backhaul Integration

by   Chenwu Zhang, et al.

Recently, a mmWave-based access and backhaul integration heterogeneous networks (HetNets) architecture (mABHetNets) has been envisioned to provide high wireless capacity.Since the access link and the backhaul link share the same mmwave spectral resource, a large spectrum bandwidth is occupied by the backhaul link, which hinders the wireless access capacity improvement. To overcome the backhaul spectrum occupation problem and improve the network throughput in the existing mABHetNets, we introduce the cache at base stations (BSs). In detail, by caching popular files at small base stations (SBSs),mABHetNets can offload the backhaul link traffic and transfer the redundant backhaul spectrum to the access link to increase the network throughout. However, introducing cache in SBSs will also incur additional power consumption and reduce the transmission power, which can lower the network throughput.In this paper, we investigate spectrum partition between the access link and the backhaul link as well as cache allocation to improve the network throughput in mABHetNets. With the stochastic geometry tool, we develop an analytical framework to characterize cache-enabled mABHetNets and obtain the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) distributions in line-of-sight (LoS) and non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths. Then we utilize the SINR distribution to derive the average potential throughput(APT). Extensive numerical results show that introducing cache can bring up to 80 mABHetNets.


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