Time-Dynamic Estimates of the Reliability of Deep Semantic Segmentation Networks

by   Kira Maag, et al.

In the semantic segmentation of street scenes, the reliability of a prediction is of highest interest. The assessment of neural networks by means of uncertainties is a common ansatz to prevent safety issues. As in online applications like automated driving, a video stream of images is available, we present a time-dynamical approach to investigate uncertainties and assess the prediction quality of neural networks.To this end, we track segments over time and gather aggregated metrics per segment, e.g. mean dispersion metrics derived from the softmax output and segment sizes. Due to identifying segments over consecutive frames, we obtain time series of metrics from which we assess prediction quality. We do so by either classifying between intersection over union (IoU) = 0 and IoU > 0 (meta classification) or predicting the IoU directly (meta regression). In our tests, we analyze the influence of the length of the time series on the predictive power of metrics and study different models for meta classification and regression. We use two publicly available DeepLabv3+ networks as well as two street scene datasets, i.e., VIPER as a synthetic one and KITTI based on real data. We achieve classification accuracies of up to 81.20 meta classification. For meta regression we obtain R^2 values of up to 87.51 approaches.


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