Towards Using Count-level Weak Supervision for Crowd Counting

by   Yinjie Lei, et al.

Most existing crowd counting methods require object location-level annotation, i.e., placing a dot at the center of an object. While being simpler than the bounding-box or pixel-level annotation, obtaining this annotation is still labor-intensive and time-consuming especially for images with highly crowded scenes. On the other hand, weaker annotations that only know the total count of objects can be almost effortless in many practical scenarios. Thus, it is desirable to develop a learning method that can effectively train models from count-level annotations. To this end, this paper studies the problem of weakly-supervised crowd counting which learns a model from only a small amount of location-level annotations (fully-supervised) but a large amount of count-level annotations (weakly-supervised). To perform effective training in this scenario, we observe that the direct solution of regressing the integral of density map to the object count is not sufficient and it is beneficial to introduce stronger regularizations on the predicted density map of weakly-annotated images. We devise a simple-yet-effective training strategy, namely Multiple Auxiliary Tasks Training (MATT), to construct regularizes for restricting the freedom of the generated density maps. Through extensive experiments on existing datasets and a newly proposed dataset, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed weakly-supervised method and demonstrate its superior performance over existing solutions.


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