Transformer-Boosted Anomaly Detection with Fuzzy Hashes

by   Frieder Uhlig, et al.

Fuzzy hashes are an important tool in digital forensics and are used in approximate matching to determine the similarity between digital artifacts. They translate the byte code of files into computable strings, which makes them particularly interesting for intelligent machine processing. In this work, we propose deep learning approximate matching (DLAM), which achieves much higher accuracy in detecting anomalies in fuzzy hashes than conventional approaches. In addition to the well-known application for clustering malware, we show that fuzzy hashes and deep learning are indeed well-suited to classify files according to the presence of certain content, e.g., malware. DLAM relies on transformer-based models from the field of natural language processing and outperforms existing methods. Traditional fuzzy hashes like TLSH and ssdeep have a limited size and fail to detect file anomalies if they are relatively small compared to the overall file size. DLAM, however, enables the detection of such file correlations in the computed fuzzy hashes of TLSH and ssdeep, even for anomaly sizes of less than 15 state-of-the-art fuzzy hashing algorithms while relying on more efficient hash computations and can, therefore, be used at a much larger scale.


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