TREVERSE: Trial-and-Error Lightweight Secure Reverse Authentication with Simulatable PUFs

by   Yansong Gao, et al.

A physical unclonable function (PUF) generates hardware intrinsic volatile secrets by exploiting uncontrollable manufacturing randomness. Although PUFs provide the potential for lightweight and secure authentication for increasing numbers of low-end Internet of Things devices, practical and secure mechanisms remain elusive. Our work aims to explore simulatable PUFs (SimPUFs) that are physically unclonable but efficiently modeled mathematically through privileged one-time PUF access to address the problem of authentication for resource limited devices. Given a challenge, a securely stored SimPUF in possession of a trusted server computes the corresponding response and its bit-specific reliability. Consequently, naturally noisy PUF responses generated by a resource limited prover can be immediately processed by a one-way function (OWF) and transmitted to a server, because the resourceful server can exploit the SimPUF to perform a trial-and-error search over likely error patterns to recover the noisy response to authenticate the prover. Security of trial-and-error reverse (TREVERSE) authentication under the random oracle model is guaranteed by the hardness of inverting the OWF. We formally evaluate the authentication capability of TREVERSE authentication with two SimPUFs experimentally derived from popular silicon PUFs. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our novel authentication mechanism can replace classical entity/client authentication without reliance on digitally stored non-volatile keys.


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