TwitterPaul: Extracting and Aggregating Twitter Predictions

by   Naushad UzZaman, et al.

This paper introduces TwitterPaul, a system designed to make use of Social Media data to help to predict game outcomes for the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament. To this end, we extracted over 538K mentions to football games from a large sample of tweets that occurred during the World Cup, and we classified into different types with a precision of up to 88 aggregated in order to make predictions about the outcomes of the actual games. We attempt to learn which Twitter users are accurate predictors and explore several techniques in order to exploit this information to make more accurate predictions. We compare our results to strong baselines and against the betting line (prediction market) and found that the quality of extractions is more important than the quantity, suggesting that high precision methods working on a medium-sized dataset are preferable over low precision methods that use a larger amount of data. Finally, by aggregating some classes of predictions, the system performance is close to the one of the betting line. Furthermore, we believe that this domain independent framework can help to predict other sports, elections, product release dates and other future events that people talk about in social media.


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