UFO: Unified Fact Obtaining for Commonsense Question Answering

by   Zhifeng Li, et al.

Leveraging external knowledge to enhance the reasoning ability is crucial for commonsense question answering. However, the existing knowledge bases heavily rely on manual annotation which unavoidably causes deficiency in coverage of world-wide commonsense knowledge. Accordingly, the knowledge bases fail to be flexible enough to support the reasoning over diverse questions. Recently, large-scale language models (LLMs) have dramatically improved the intelligence in capturing and leveraging knowledge, which opens up a new way to address the issue of eliciting knowledge from language models. We propose a Unified Facts Obtaining (UFO) approach. UFO turns LLMs into knowledge sources and produces relevant facts (knowledge statements) for the given question. We first develop a unified prompt consisting of demonstrations that cover different aspects of commonsense and different question styles. On this basis, we instruct the LLMs to generate question-related supporting facts for various commonsense questions via prompting. After facts generation, we apply a dense retrieval-based fact selection strategy to choose the best-matched fact. This kind of facts will be fed into the answer inference model along with the question. Notably, due to the design of unified prompts, UFO can support reasoning in various commonsense aspects (including general commonsense, scientific commonsense, and social commonsense). Extensive experiments on CommonsenseQA 2.0, OpenBookQA, QASC, and Social IQA benchmarks show that UFO significantly improves the performance of the inference model and outperforms manually constructed knowledge sources.


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