Uji Performa dan Website Responsiveness Institusi dan Smart City se-Jawa Barat

by   Muhammad Anis Al Hilmi, et al.

The Government through the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (Kemkominfo) held the 100 Smart Cities Program, an effort to improve the quality of public services. The program produces a Smart City Masterplan to develop regencies and cities. Access to the website of the regencies-cities government that is member of the program is one success indicator of using technology for the community, because the accessing speed (loading time) and responsiveness of the website is a convenience factor in service users. Hence, the importance of viewing and monitoring public service websites related to public service information in loading time and responsiveness of the website. From the data of regencies-cities registered in this program, many of them are from West Java Province, recorded around 11 of the total 26 regencies-cities. This study presents a website assessment using weighting method that focuses on loading time and responsiveness to see the performance of community services provided by the municipal governments that are incorporated in a smart city case study in West Java Province. There are six parameters in weighting performance of website used in this study, namely first-contentful-paint, first-meaningful-paint, speed-index, interactive, first-cpu-idle, and max potential first input delay. The weighting value is compared with Google's dataset, CrUX (Chrome User Experience Report). The test results show that the majority of websites have an average performance of 38.7 (mobile) 63.6 (web) of the 530 websites incorporated in the smart city, with the best results obtained by the City of Bandung.


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