Using Evolutionary Coupling to Establish Relevance Links Between Tests and Code Units. A case study on fault localization

by   Jeongju Sohn, et al.

Many software engineering techniques, such as fault localization, operate based on relevance relationships between tests and code. These relationships are often inferred through the use of dynamic test execution information (test execution traces) that approximate the link between relevant code units and asserted, by the tests, program behaviour. Unfortunately, in practice dynamic information is not always available due to the overheads introduced by the instrumentation or the nature of the production environments. To deal with this issue, we propose CEMENT, a static technique that automatically infers such test and code relationships given the projects' evolution. The key idea is that developers make relevant changes on test and code units at the same period of time, i.e., co-evolution of tests and code units reflects a probable link between them. We evaluate CEMENT on 15 open source projects and show that it indeed captures relevant links. Additionally, we perform a fault localization case study where we compare CEMENT with an existing Information Retrieval-based Fault Localization (IRFL) technique and show that it achieves comparable performance. A further analysis of our results reveals a small overlap between the faults successfully localized by the two approaches suggesting complementarity. In particular, out of the 39 successfully localized faults, two are common while CEMENT and IRFL localize 16 and 21. These results demonstrate that test and code evolutionary coupling can effectively support test and debugging activities.


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